Jun 24, 2020
Forty-three percent of women drop out of the workforce after becoming a mother. When they return or even while balancing work and raising kids, women are forced to take lesser job titles or put career advancement on hold. Even the entrepreneur world of venture capital seems to penalize working moms with only 3% of female-owned companies earning investment dollars. Claudia Reuters sees a world of better options for women who want to balance work and family. A former stay-at-home mom herself, Reuter went on to be a venture-backed CEO, an executive at a >$2B company, a General Manager at Techstars, and host of The 43% Podcast. She is the author of the brand new book “Yes, You Can Do This!: How Women Start up, Scale up, and Build the Life They Want.” You can connect with Claudia follow her at @reuter_claudia. "