Jun 17, 2020
Delivering a positive customer service has always garnered a lot of attention. But then the SHIFT hit our plans. COVID-19 was the last straw. Every company, customer, employee, supplier, and vendor is now grieving over the death of Normal and re-prioritizing the future. “Experience Rules,” says our Geeks Geezers and Googlization guest Joyce Gioia. (“Experience Rules” just happens to be the title of her newest book too - available in the summer 2020 on Amazon!) In the post-pandemic era, it’s no longer good enough to focus only on the customer. Employees demand a positive experience too. So do suppliers and vendors. Experiences Matter. Listen as Joyce Gioia - futurist, author, and founder of Employer of Choice International - reveals why experience rules and your next CEO must be a Chief Experience Officer.
BTW Joyce is the co-founder
of The Herman Group and
Employer of Choice,
Inc., author of 5 books,
and has been a popular speaker at #SHRM, #HR, and #Business
conferences for many years. I first interviewed Joyce 19
years ago for my 1st radio show...and I have the cassette tape to
prove it!